Tuesday, September 3, 2013

My hopes and dreams for this year (Rawan)

By: Rawan

It's so complicated when I think about my dreams. A lot of things I have to do but the most important things are to get a car, to get an acceptance in a good university for the masters degree, and to lose some weight.
Firstly, I thought the driving will be very difficult for me because in my country women don't drive at all. Furthermore, all women there have a special drivers to take them wherever they want. Also, It's a government's rule there that women don't drive for their safety.  As a result, mostly no woman there knows how to drive. When I came here to the US, I needed to drive, so I went to a school for driving. In the beginning, I was so scared and I thought that I will not learn how to drive ever. Yet when I started to have more and more lessons, I felt with a lot of self-confidence and learned a lot things. After that, I went to the DMV to get my license. The test for driving "behind the wheel" was easy and I succeed on it. Now, I hope to get a car as soon as possible, but it depends on my father. He wants me to be accepted in a university first then he can buy me a car.
Secondly, when I came to the US, I was planning to do my masters degree in University of California, Riverside, but my sponsor didn't allows me to do that. However, my sponsor allows me to study only the ESL program here. As a result, I have to look for another university and to be accepted in another university to do my postgraduate study. This is sad for me because I began to used to everything here, I made friends, and I like people here, so It will be so difficult for me to begin from the zero in another place again. It is inevitable situation, but I think I can do it.
Thirdly, every time when I stand on the scale, I get shocked and disappointed from my weight. It's so hard for fat people to lose their weight. It seems like you don't eat all the day and when you stand on the scale, your weight doesn't move at all or just moves a little bit. It's so disappointing sometime, but always I try to encourage myself by telling myself that I need to be in a good shape and in a good health. For that, I'm trying to lose some weight this time. In the beginning, when I started to do some exercises and to prevent myself from eating, it was so hart. Yet when I did that for five months, I lost some weight and I became happy for my achievement.

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