Saturday, August 31, 2013

Special Numbers - Yeobin


Do you have any special number? Like number 7 is your lucky number, or number 4 is your fatal number. Those things are kind of numerology which is ancient studying that study about special relationship between number and special meaning of numbers. Like that many culture and ancient study think that number have some special meaning. Number 3 is good number in many religions and cultures.
First, many religions use number 3 in good meanings. In Christianity, number 3 is perfect number of heaven because of the father, the Son, and Holy Spirit, and in Buddhism, Buddha, the law of Buddha, and a Buddhist monk are three treasures. Classic myths have three Dame Fortune, Clotho, Lachesis, and Atropos. Also they have three goddesses who fight to get golden apple (Aphrodite, Hera, Athena). Moreover, Sparta myth also has three          goddesses of beautiful whose names are Aglaia, Euphrosyne, Thalia. Celt people have three goddesses of fate.
Next, for culture, we also use many number 3. In Korea, we spend three days to hold funeral (I don’t know about other Asia countries.). Also, refusing three times is polite in Korea. History of Three States which is about ancient China historical story has three states. The three little pig has three pigs, and also Three Musketeers has three musketeers. In ancient China, when they used bronze ware, they made dished to ancestral rites which had three lags. Moreover, in the ancient East, people divide world to three; sky, people, and land. In The Yang and Yin which is ancient china studying, 1 is Yang (man, father, sun, sky, so on) and 2 is Yin (women, mother, moon, earth, so on), so 3 is harmony.
Number 3 is also common in our life. Rock, scissor, and paper have three choices. When we count important people, picture, or event, we count three. Including Olympics many sport competition give 3 medals. To make side we need at last three points. Color has the three primary colors. We divide one day to three, morning, noon, and evening, and we eat meal in every part of day. We also divide time to three part; past, present, and future.

Those things are little bit forced story, but many scholars are looking for reason why ancient people used number 3. Anyway, it is funny and interesting, isn’t it?

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